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#Iprintedthis event

We are proud to be part of the BBC "Get Creative" event on the 2nd April.

On that day we will be turning over our gallery to printed images by local people who have chosen to print and share a photograph to history's timeline.

People can also share their images and stories online at and our Art from the Lens Gallery Facebook page.

This event is trying to encourage people to actually print more of their images, rather than leaving them on hard drives, memory sticks or the cloud. To share those important images to history in a format this does not depend on technology.

We are in danger of leaving a black hole in social history, where will be our voice in history when our images have become corrupted unreadable 0101's or technolgy moves on and we can no longer read our stored images?

Paper for all it's fragile nature, can last and out live technology.. floppy discs anyone?

So please, share and print those images and share your story to history. #Iprintedthis

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